Vicugna_pacosFamily: DBR1 Number of Genes: 1
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



This presumed domain is found at the C-terminus of lariat debranching enzyme. This domain is always found in association with PF00149.


This presumed domain is found at the C terminus of lariat debranching enzyme. This domain is always found in association with a metallo-phosphoesterase domain INTERPRO. RNA lariat debranching enzyme is capable of digesting a variety of branched nucleic acid substrates and multicopy single-stranded DNAs. The enzyme degrades intron lariat structures during splicing.


  1. Chapman KB, Boeke JD; , Cell 1991;65:483-492.: Isolation and characterization of the gene encoding yeast debranching enzyme. PUBMED:1850323 EPMC:1850323 .

  2. Nam K, Lee G, Trambley J, Devine SE, Boeke JD; , Mol Cell Biol 1997;17:809-818.: Severe growth defect in a Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant defective in intron lariat degradation. PUBMED:9001235 EPMC:9001235 .

  3. Ooi SL, Dann C 3rd, Nam K, Leahy DJ, Damha MJ, Boeke JD; , Methods Enzymol 2001;342:233-248.: RNA lariat debranching enzyme. PUBMED:11586896 EPMC:11586896.