Members of this family are essential for 40S ribosomal biogenesis. The structure of EMG1 has revealed that it is a novel member of the superfamily of alpha/beta knot fold methyltransferases [2].
Members of this family are essential for 40S ribosomal biogenesis. They play a role in the methylation reaction of pre-rRNA processing. The structure of EMG1 has revealed that it is a novel member of the superfamily of alpha/beta knot fold methyltransferases [PUBMED:18063569, PUBMED:11935223].
Eschrich D, Buchhaupt M, Kotter P, Entian KD; , Curr Genet 2002;40:326-338.: Nep1p (Emg1p), a novel protein conserved in eukaryotes and archaea, is involved in ribosome biogenesis. PUBMED:11935223 EPMC:11935223 .
Leulliot N, Bohnsack MT, Graille M, Tollervey D, Van Tilbeurgh H; , Nucleic Acids Res. 2008;36:629-639.: The yeast ribosome synthesis factor Emg1 is a novel member of the superfamily of alpha/beta knot fold methyltransferases. PUBMED:18063569 EPMC:18063569.