Propithecus_coquereliFamily: FXMRP1_C_core Number of Genes: 3
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



This domain family is found in eukaryotes, and is typically between 126 and 160 amino acids in length. The family is found in association with PF05641 PF00013. This family is the core C terminal region of the fragile X related 1 proteins FXR1P, FXR2 and FMR1. These different proteins have different regions at their very C-terminus. The Glutamine-arginine rich region facilitates protein interactions [3]. This family contains two blocks of RGG repeats that bind to G-quartet sequences in a wide variety of mRNAs [2].


This entry represents the core C-terminal region of the fragile X related 1 proteins FXR1P, FXR2 and FMR1. These different proteins have different regions at their very C terminus. The Glutamine-arginine rich region facilitates protein interactions [PUBMED:16000371, PUBMED:20463240]. Proteins containing this domain contain two blocks of RGG repeats that bind to G-quartet sequences in a wide variety of mRNAs [PUBMED:16707258].


  1. Huot ME, Bisson N, Davidovic L, Mazroui R, Labelle Y, Moss T, Khandjian EW;, Mol Biol Cell. 2005;16:4350-4361.: The RNA-binding protein fragile X-related 1 regulates somite formation in Xenopus laevis. PUBMED:16000371 EPMC:16000371 .

  2. Zalfa F, Achsel T, Bagni C;, Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2006;16:265-269.: mRNPs, polysomes or granules: FMRP in neuronal protein synthesis. PUBMED:16707258 EPMC:16707258 .

  3. Banerjee P, Schoenfeld BP, Bell AJ, Choi CH, Bradley MP, Hinchey P, Kollaros M, Park JH, McBride SM, Dockendorff TC;, J Neurosci. 2010;30:6782-6792.: Short- and long-term memory are modulated by multiple isoforms of the fragile X mental retardation protein. PUBMED:20463240 EPMC:20463240.