Tetraodon_nigroviridisFamily: Gemin6 Number of Genes: 1
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



This family consists of several mammalian Gemin6 proteins. The exact function of Gemin6 is unknown but it has been found to form part of the PF06003 complex. The SMN complex plays a key role in the biogenesis of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and other ribonucleoprotein particles [1].


This family consists of several mammalian Gemin6 proteins. The exact function of Gemin6 is unknown but it has been found to form part of the Survival of motor neuron complex. The SMN complex plays a key role in the biogenesis of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and other ribonucleoprotein particles [PUBMED:11748230].


  1. Pellizzoni L, Baccon J, Rappsilber J, Mann M, Dreyfuss G; , J Biol Chem 2002;277:7540-7545.: Purification of native survival of motor neurons complexes and identification of Gemin6 as a novel component. PUBMED:11748230 EPMC:11748230.