Xenopus_tropicalisFamily: PAM2 Number of Genes: 2
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



The PABP-interacting motif PAM2 has been identified in various eukaryotic proteins as an important binding site for PF00658. It has been found in a wide range of eukaryotic proteins [1]. Strikingly, this motif appears to occur solely outside of globular domains [1].


This entry represents a conserved region approximately 250 residues long located towards the C terminus of eukaryotic ataxin-2. Ataxin-2 is a protein of unknown function, within which expansion of a polyglutamine tract (due to expansion of unstable CAG repeats in the coding region of the SCA2 gene) causes spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2), a late-onset neurodegenerative disorder [PUBMED:9339681]. The expanded polyglutamine repeat in ataxin-2 causes disruption of the normal morphology of the Golgi complex and increased incidence of cell death [PUBMED:12812977]. Ataxin-2 is predicted to consist of mostly non-globular domains [PUBMED:9462862].


  1. Albrecht M, Lengauer T; , Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004;316:129-138.: Survey on the PABC recognition motif PAM2. PUBMED:15003521 EPMC:15003521.