Ensembl ID | Symbol | Entrez ID | RBD | RBPome | PRI | Expresion | Pathway | Phenotype | Paralog | Ortholog | GO |
The PHAT (pseudo-HEAT analogous topology) domain assumes a structure consisting of a layer of three parallel helices packed against a layer of two antiparallel helices, into a cylindrical shaped five-helix bundle. It is found in the RNA-binding protein Smaug, where it is essential for high-affinity RNA binding [1].
The PHAT (pseudo-HEAT analogous topology) domain assumes a structure consisting of a layer of three parallel helices packed against a layer of two antiparallel helices, into a cylindrical shaped five-helix bundle. It is found in the RNA-binding protein Smaug, where it is essential for high-affinity RNA binding [PUBMED:12820967]. Smaug is a translation regulator that binds to the 3'-UTR of specific mRNAs such as nanos (nos) and prevents their translation [PUBMED:10606265].
Green JB, Gardner CD, Wharton RP, Aggarwal AK; , Mol Cell. 2003;11:1537-1548.: RNA recognition via the SAM domain of Smaug. PUBMED:12820967 EPMC:12820967.