Chrysemys_picta_belliiFamily: RNA_pol_Rbc25 Number of Genes: 1
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



Rpc25 is a strongly conserved subunit of RNA polymerase III and has homology to Rpa43 in RNA polymerase I, Rpb7 in RNA polymerase II and the archaeal RpoE subunit. Rpc25 is required for transcription initiation and is not essential for the elongating properties of RNA polymerase III [1].


Rpc25 is a strongly conserved subunit of RNA polymerase III and has homology to Rpa43 in RNA polymerase I, Rpb7 in RNA polymerase II and the archaeal RpoE subunit. Rpc25 is required for transcription initiation and is not essential for the elongating properties of RNA polymerase III [PUBMED:15612920].


  1. Zaros C, Thuriaux P; , Mol Microbiol 2005;55:104-114.: Rpc25, a conserved RNA polymerase III subunit, is critical for transcription initiation. PUBMED:15612920 EPMC:15612920.