Meleagris_gallopavoFamily: RNase_Zc3h12a Number of Genes: 5
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



This domain is found in the Zc3h12a protein which has shown to be a ribonuclease that controls the stability of a set of inflammatory genes [1]. It has been suggested that this domain belongs to the PIN domain superfamily [1]. This domain has also been identified as part of the NYN domain family [2].


This domain is found in the Zc3h12a protein which has shown to be a ribonuclease that controls the stability of a set of inflammatory genes [PUBMED:19322177]. It has been suggested that this domain belongs to the PIN domain superfamily [PUBMED:19322177]. This domain has also been identified as part of the NYN domain family [PUBMED:17114934].


  1. Matsushita K, Takeuchi O, Standley DM, Kumagai Y, Kawagoe T, Miyake T, Satoh T, Kato H, Tsujimura T, Nakamura H, Akira S;, Nature;458:1185-1190.: Zc3h12a is an RNase essential for controlling immune responses by regulating mRNA decay. PUBMED:19322177 EPMC:19322177 .

  2. Anantharaman V, Aravind L; , RNA Biol. 2006; [Epub ahead of print]: The NYN Domains: Novel Predicted RNAses with a PIN Domain-Like Fold. PUBMED:17114934 EPMC:17114934.