Ensembl ID | Symbol | Entrez ID | RBD | RBPome | PRI | Expresion | Pathway | Phenotype | Paralog | Ortholog | GO |
Ribonuclease P (RNase P) generates mature tRNA molecules by cleaving their 5' ends. RPM2 is a protein subunit of the yeast mitochondrial RNase P. It has the ability to act as transcriptional activator in the nucleus where it plays a role in defining the steady-state levels of mRNAs for some nucleus-encoded mitochondrial components [2].
Ribonuclease P (RNase P) generates mature tRNA molecules by cleaving their 5' ends. Rpm2 is a protein subunit of the yeast mitochondrial RNase P. It has the ability to act as a transcriptional activator in the nucleus, where it plays a role in defining the steady-state levels of mRNAs for some nucleus-encoded mitochondrial components. Rpm2p is also involved in maturation of Rpm1 and in translation of mitochondrial mRNAs [PUBMED:16024791, PUBMED:8668158, PUBMED:11404323].
Morales MJ, Dang YL, Lou YC, Sulo P, Martin NC; , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992;89:9875-9879.: A 105-kDa protein is required for yeast mitochondrial RNase P activity. PUBMED:1409716 EPMC:1409716 .
Stribinskis V, Heyman HC, Ellis SR, Steffen MC, Martin NC; , Mol Cell Biol. 2005;25:6546-6558.: Rpm2p, a component of yeast mitochondrial RNase P, acts as a transcriptional activator in the nucleus. PUBMED:16024791 EPMC:16024791.