Xiphophorus_maculatusFamily: RVT_2 Number of Genes: 1
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



A reverse transcriptase gene is usually indicative of a mobile element such as a retrotransposon or retrovirus. Reverse transcriptases occur in a variety of mobile elements, including retrotransposons, retroviruses, group II introns, bacterial msDNAs, hepadnaviruses, and caulimoviruses. This Pfam entry includes reverse transcriptases not recognised by the PF00078 model.


A reverse transcriptase gene is usually indicative of a mobile element such as a retrotransposon or retrovirus. Reverse transcriptases occur in a variety of mobile elements, including retrotransposons, retroviruses, group II introns, bacterial msDNAs, hepadnaviruses, and caulimoviruses. This entry includes reverse transcriptases not recognised by INTERPRO [PUBMED:1698615].


  1. Xiong Y, Eickbush TH; , EMBO J 1990;9:3353-3362.: Origin and evolution of retroelements based upon their reverse transcriptase sequences. PUBMED:1698615 EPMC:1698615.