Protein ID | Domain | Pfam ID | E-value | Domain number | Total number |
ENSRNOP00000055596 | HRDC | PF00570.23 | 1.6e-13 | 1 | 1 |
ENSRNOP00000055596 | DEAD | PF00270.29 | 1.5e-15 | 1 | 1 |
ENSRNOP00000055596 | DNA_pol_A_exo1 | PF01612.20 | 8.1e-35 | 1 | 1 |
Transcript ID | Name | Length | RefSeq ID | Protein ID | Length | RefSeq ID | UniportKB ID |
ENSRNOT00000058805 | - | 4618 | XM_006253254 | ENSRNOP00000055596 | 1400 (aa) | XP_006222319 | F1LTH9 |
Ensembl ID | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy | Ortholog | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy | Species |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.156 | ENSG00000165392 | WRN | 99 | 69.225 | Homo_sapiens |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 81 | 69.130 | ENSAMEG00000000475 | - | 97 | 68.826 | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 93 | 55.900 | ENSAPLG00000001616 | WRN | 92 | 55.816 | Anas_platyrhynchos |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 50.896 | ENSACAG00000003109 | WRN | 100 | 50.970 | Anolis_carolinensis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 66.923 | ENSANAG00000032806 | WRN | 98 | 70.393 | Aotus_nancymaae |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 48.679 | ENSAMXG00000010066 | wrn | 89 | 48.755 | Astyanax_mexicanus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 68.143 | ENSBTAG00000021592 | WRN | 99 | 67.857 | Bos_taurus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 57 | 32.754 | WBGene00006944 | wrn-1 | 73 | 32.754 | Caenorhabditis_elegans |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.274 | ENSCJAG00000012511 | WRN | 99 | 69.274 | Callithrix_jacchus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.468 | ENSCAFG00000006410 | WRN | 96 | 70.468 | Canis_familiaris |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 68.914 | ENSCAFG00020001236 | WRN | 99 | 68.914 | Canis_lupus_dingo |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 67.477 | ENSCHIG00000014991 | WRN | 99 | 67.262 | Capra_hircus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 70.839 | ENSTSYG00000012689 | WRN | 99 | 70.768 | Carlito_syrichta |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 86 | 80.159 | ENSCAPG00000016803 | WRN | 98 | 64.497 | Cavia_aperea |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 68.737 | ENSCPOG00000002943 | WRN | 99 | 68.737 | Cavia_porcellus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.881 | ENSCCAG00000023793 | WRN | 99 | 69.881 | Cebus_capucinus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 70.706 | ENSCATG00000040557 | WRN | 99 | 72.018 | Cercocebus_atys |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 96 | 73.407 | ENSCLAG00000000817 | WRN | 99 | 70.068 | Chinchilla_lanigera |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 96 | 70.584 | ENSCSAG00000015810 | WRN | 99 | 70.448 | Chlorocebus_sabaeus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 71 | 85.083 | ENSCHOG00000008966 | WRN | 74 | 85.083 | Choloepus_hoffmanni |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 96 | 57.111 | ENSCPBG00000013421 | WRN | 91 | 57.300 | Chrysemys_picta_bellii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 74 | 36.421 | ENSCING00000002232 | - | 86 | 36.421 | Ciona_intestinalis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.811 | ENSCANG00000037137 | WRN | 99 | 69.811 | Colobus_angolensis_palliatus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 82.953 | ENSCGRG00001016491 | Wrn | 100 | 83.310 | Cricetulus_griseus_chok1gshd |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 83 | 82.297 | ENSCGRG00000016821 | Wrn | 100 | 82.729 | Cricetulus_griseus_crigri |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 47.416 | ENSDARG00000098211 | wrn | 90 | 47.754 | Danio_rerio |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 95 | 65.898 | ENSDNOG00000008481 | WRN | 100 | 65.898 | Dasypus_novemcinctus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 68.944 | ENSDORG00000002696 | Wrn | 100 | 69.220 | Dipodomys_ordii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 79 | 80.861 | ENSETEG00000019854 | WRN | 79 | 80.861 | Echinops_telfairi |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 97 | 65.889 | ENSEASG00005016813 | WRN | 98 | 77.401 | Equus_asinus_asinus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 67.472 | ENSECAG00000000110 | WRN | 99 | 67.472 | Equus_caballus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 82 | 64.516 | ENSEEUG00000004926 | WRN | 89 | 64.516 | Erinaceus_europaeus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 47.552 | ENSELUG00000017817 | wrn | 96 | 52.966 | Esox_lucius |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 65.850 | ENSFCAG00000024759 | WRN | 99 | 65.850 | Felis_catus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.706 | ENSFDAG00000008637 | WRN | 99 | 70.706 | Fukomys_damarensis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 55.896 | ENSGALG00000040909 | WRN | 88 | 56.078 | Gallus_gallus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 97 | 56.440 | ENSGAGG00000022647 | WRN | 94 | 56.626 | Gopherus_agassizii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.534 | ENSGGOG00000022154 | WRN | 99 | 70.605 | Gorilla_gorilla |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 72.242 | ENSHGLG00000003638 | WRN | 100 | 71.815 | Heterocephalus_glaber_female |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 95 | 46.712 | ENSIPUG00000002090 | wrn | 92 | 46.637 | Ictalurus_punctatus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.194 | ENSSTOG00000013599 | WRN | 99 | 70.194 | Ictidomys_tridecemlineatus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.492 | ENSJJAG00000015655 | Wrn | 100 | 70.492 | Jaculus_jaculus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 96 | 48.502 | ENSLACG00000001569 | - | 93 | 49.001 | Latimeria_chalumnae |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 95 | 51.553 | ENSLOCG00000010792 | wrn | 92 | 50.885 | Lepisosteus_oculatus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.177 | ENSLAFG00000004434 | WRN | 100 | 70.318 | Loxodonta_africana |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 70.264 | ENSMFAG00000043428 | WRN | 99 | 70.550 | Macaca_fascicularis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 68.973 | ENSMMUG00000022655 | WRN | 99 | 69.252 | Macaca_mulatta |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.483 | ENSMNEG00000032617 | WRN | 99 | 69.483 | Macaca_nemestrina |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 70.919 | ENSMLEG00000038296 | WRN | 99 | 70.919 | Mandrillus_leucophaeus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 56.399 | ENSMGAG00000004960 | WRN | 88 | 56.580 | Meleagris_gallopavo |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 83.880 | ENSMAUG00000016235 | Wrn | 100 | 84.094 | Mesocricetus_auratus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 67.112 | ENSMICG00000010630 | WRN | 99 | 67.112 | Microcebus_murinus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 81.941 | ENSMOCG00000013972 | Wrn | 100 | 81.941 | Microtus_ochrogaster |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 55.000 | ENSMODG00000018997 | WRN | 99 | 55.357 | Monodelphis_domestica |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 86.510 | MGP_CAROLIEiJ_G0030961 | Wrn | 100 | 86.510 | Mus_caroli |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 86.652 | ENSMUSG00000031583 | Wrn | 100 | 86.652 | Mus_musculus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 86.795 | MGP_PahariEiJ_G0021430 | Wrn | 100 | 86.795 | Mus_pahari |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 86.438 | MGP_SPRETEiJ_G0032079 | Wrn | 100 | 86.438 | Mus_spretus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 68.253 | ENSMPUG00000010201 | WRN | 99 | 68.537 | Mustela_putorius_furo |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 69.922 | ENSMLUG00000005863 | WRN | 99 | 70.207 | Myotis_lucifugus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 76.923 | ENSNGAG00000018413 | Wrn | 99 | 76.923 | Nannospalax_galili |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.134 | ENSNLEG00000012006 | WRN | 99 | 70.205 | Nomascus_leucogenys |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 70 | 60.435 | ENSMEUG00000008271 | - | 70 | 60.435 | Notamacropus_eugenii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 88 | 58.958 | ENSOPRG00000001480 | WRN | 88 | 58.958 | Ochotona_princeps |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 71.174 | ENSODEG00000004076 | WRN | 100 | 71.317 | Octodon_degus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 90 | 59.509 | ENSOANG00000005952 | - | 94 | 59.509 | Ornithorhynchus_anatinus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.842 | ENSOCUG00000012620 | WRN | 90 | 70.842 | Oryctolagus_cuniculus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 97 | 68.513 | ENSOGAG00000009600 | WRN | 100 | 68.586 | Otolemur_garnettii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 67.714 | ENSOARG00000000163 | WRN | 99 | 67.500 | Ovis_aries |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 70.057 | ENSPPAG00000036871 | WRN | 99 | 70.128 | Pan_paniscus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 68.324 | ENSPPRG00000010928 | WRN | 99 | 68.279 | Panthera_pardus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 68.301 | ENSPTIG00000020609 | WRN | 99 | 67.994 | Panthera_tigris_altaica |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.759 | ENSPTRG00000020145 | WRN | 99 | 69.830 | Pan_troglodytes |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 69.532 | ENSPANG00000018594 | WRN | 99 | 69.672 | Papio_anubis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 83 | 59.211 | ENSPKIG00000025497 | wrn | 99 | 59.211 | Paramormyrops_kingsleyae |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 97 | 56.751 | ENSPSIG00000013411 | WRN | 92 | 56.895 | Pelodiscus_sinensis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 99 | 81.571 | ENSPEMG00000020615 | Wrn | 99 | 83.218 | Peromyscus_maniculatus_bairdii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 56.611 | ENSPCIG00000020146 | WRN | 95 | 56.991 | Phascolarctos_cinereus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 68.876 | ENSPPYG00000018494 | WRN | 99 | 68.876 | Pongo_abelii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 90 | 70.487 | ENSPCAG00000013763 | WRN | 88 | 70.487 | Procavia_capensis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 78 | 58.075 | ENSPCOG00000012938 | WRN | 96 | 58.075 | Propithecus_coquereli |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 93 | 67.822 | ENSPVAG00000012909 | WRN | 91 | 67.822 | Pteropus_vampyrus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 95 | 47.619 | ENSPNAG00000021848 | wrn | 89 | 47.771 | Pygocentrus_nattereri |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.922 | ENSRBIG00000031825 | WRN | 99 | 71.082 | Rhinopithecus_bieti |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.602 | ENSRROG00000045381 | WRN | 99 | 69.602 | Rhinopithecus_roxellana |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 69.510 | ENSSBOG00000027238 | WRN | 99 | 69.441 | Saimiri_boliviensis_boliviensis |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 56.108 | ENSSHAG00000005577 | WRN | 100 | 56.250 | Sarcophilus_harrisii |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 94 | 49.437 | ENSSFOG00015006123 | wrn | 94 | 49.512 | Scleropages_formosus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 73 | 64.502 | ENSSARG00000006157 | WRN | 87 | 64.502 | Sorex_araneus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 97 | 71.733 | ENSSSCG00000015840 | WRN | 99 | 71.733 | Sus_scrofa |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 72 | 56.280 | ENSTGUG00000001765 | WRN | 99 | 56.526 | Taeniopygia_guttata |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 78 | 56.005 | ENSTBEG00000012702 | - | 78 | 56.005 | Tupaia_belangeri |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 64.982 | ENSTTRG00000012302 | WRN | 99 | 64.982 | Tursiops_truncatus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 66.406 | ENSUAMG00000021324 | WRN | 99 | 66.358 | Ursus_americanus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 85 | 66.667 | ENSUMAG00000007159 | WRN | 97 | 66.500 | Ursus_maritimus |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 64.755 | ENSVPAG00000011004 | WRN | 99 | 64.755 | Vicugna_pacos |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 100 | 66.942 | ENSVVUG00000019867 | WRN | 99 | 66.942 | Vulpes_vulpes |
ENSRNOG00000015440 | Wrn | 98 | 53.017 | ENSXETG00000018302 | wrn | 99 | 54.342 | Xenopus_tropicalis |
Go ID | Go_term | PubmedID | Evidence | Category |
GO:0000287 | magnesium ion binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0000287 | magnesium ion binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0000400 | four-way junction DNA binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0000400 | four-way junction DNA binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0000403 | Y-form DNA binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0000403 | Y-form DNA binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0000405 | bubble DNA binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0000405 | bubble DNA binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0000723 | telomere maintenance | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0000724 | double-strand break repair via homologous recombination | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0000731 | DNA synthesis involved in DNA repair | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0000731 | DNA synthesis involved in DNA repair | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0000781 | chromosome, telomeric region | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0000781 | chromosome, telomeric region | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0001302 | replicative cell aging | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0001302 | replicative cell aging | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0003677 | DNA binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0003677 | DNA binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0003678 | DNA helicase activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0003682 | chromatin binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0003682 | chromatin binding | 19737542. | IDA | Function |
GO:0004003 | ATP-dependent DNA helicase activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0004386 | helicase activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0004527 | exonuclease activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0005524 | ATP binding | - | IEA | Function |
GO:0005634 | nucleus | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0005634 | nucleus | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0005654 | nucleoplasm | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0005654 | nucleoplasm | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0005657 | replication fork | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0005657 | replication fork | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0005662 | DNA replication factor A complex | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0005694 | chromosome | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0005730 | nucleolus | - | IEA | Component |
GO:0005730 | nucleolus | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0005730 | nucleolus | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0005737 | cytoplasm | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0005813 | centrosome | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0005813 | centrosome | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0006259 | DNA metabolic process | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0006260 | DNA replication | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0006281 | DNA repair | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0006284 | base-excision repair | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0006284 | base-excision repair | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0006302 | double-strand break repair | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0006310 | DNA recombination | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0006974 | cellular response to DNA damage stimulus | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0006979 | response to oxidative stress | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0006979 | response to oxidative stress | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0007420 | brain development | 12020873. | IEP | Process |
GO:0007569 | cell aging | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0007569 | cell aging | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0008340 | determination of adult lifespan | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0008408 | 3'-5' exonuclease activity | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0008408 | 3'-5' exonuclease activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0009267 | cellular response to starvation | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0009267 | cellular response to starvation | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0009378 | four-way junction helicase activity | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0009378 | four-way junction helicase activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0010225 | response to UV-C | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0010225 | response to UV-C | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0010259 | multicellular organism aging | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0010259 | multicellular organism aging | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0016607 | nuclear speck | - | IEA | Component |
GO:0016607 | nuclear speck | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0016887 | ATPase activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0030145 | manganese ion binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0030145 | manganese ion binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0031297 | replication fork processing | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0031297 | replication fork processing | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0032405 | MutLalpha complex binding | - | IEA | Function |
GO:0032405 | MutLalpha complex binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0032508 | DNA duplex unwinding | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0032508 | DNA duplex unwinding | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0035861 | site of double-strand break | 21873635. | IBA | Component |
GO:0040009 | regulation of growth rate | - | IEA | Process |
GO:0040009 | regulation of growth rate | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0042803 | protein homodimerization activity | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0042803 | protein homodimerization activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0042981 | regulation of apoptotic process | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0042981 | regulation of apoptotic process | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0043005 | neuron projection | 12020873. | IDA | Component |
GO:0043138 | 3'-5' DNA helicase activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0043140 | ATP-dependent 3'-5' DNA helicase activity | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0044806 | G-quadruplex DNA unwinding | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0044806 | G-quadruplex DNA unwinding | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0044877 | protein-containing complex binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0044877 | protein-containing complex binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0051345 | positive regulation of hydrolase activity | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0051345 | positive regulation of hydrolase activity | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0051880 | G-quadruplex DNA binding | - | IEA | Function |
GO:0051880 | G-quadruplex DNA binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0061749 | forked DNA-dependent helicase activity | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0061749 | forked DNA-dependent helicase activity | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0061820 | telomeric D-loop disassembly | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0061820 | telomeric D-loop disassembly | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0061821 | telomeric D-loop binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0061821 | telomeric D-loop binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0070337 | 3'-flap-structured DNA binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:0070337 | 3'-flap-structured DNA binding | - | ISO | Function |
GO:0071480 | cellular response to gamma radiation | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0071480 | cellular response to gamma radiation | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0090305 | nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis | - | IEA | Process |
GO:0098530 | positive regulation of strand invasion | 21873635. | IBA | Process |
GO:0098530 | positive regulation of strand invasion | - | ISO | Process |
GO:1902570 | protein localization to nucleolus | - | IEA | Process |
GO:1902570 | protein localization to nucleolus | - | ISO | Process |
GO:1905773 | 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine DNA binding | 21873635. | IBA | Function |
GO:1905773 | 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine DNA binding | - | ISO | Function |