Protein ID | Domain | Pfam ID | E-value | Domain number | Total number |
ENSRNOP00000033820 | zf-nanos | PF05741.13 | 3.5e-25 | 1 | 1 |
Transcript ID | Name | Length | RefSeq ID | Protein ID | Length | RefSeq ID | UniportKB ID |
ENSRNOT00000036203 | - | 792 | XM_006231687 | ENSRNOP00000033820 | 263 (aa) | XP_006231749 | D4A1F8 |
Ensembl ID | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy | Ortholog | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy | Species |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 75.768 | ENSG00000188613 | NANOS1 | 100 | 91.667 | Homo_sapiens |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.662 | ENSAPOG00000005093 | - | 88 | 37.900 | Acanthochromis_polyacanthus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 37.131 | ENSAPOG00000004421 | - | 89 | 35.000 | Acanthochromis_polyacanthus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 36.957 | ENSACIG00000004805 | - | 88 | 37.209 | Amphilophus_citrinellus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 36.250 | ENSACIG00000019022 | - | 89 | 35.000 | Amphilophus_citrinellus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.778 | ENSAOCG00000020120 | - | 83 | 36.986 | Amphiprion_ocellaris |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 37.553 | ENSAOCG00000012346 | - | 89 | 35.417 | Amphiprion_ocellaris |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 37.553 | ENSAPEG00000019024 | - | 89 | 35.417 | Amphiprion_percula |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.778 | ENSAPEG00000005585 | - | 83 | 36.986 | Amphiprion_percula |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 38.117 | ENSATEG00000006118 | - | 88 | 36.866 | Anabas_testudineus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 38.636 | ENSATEG00000018856 | - | 84 | 38.356 | Anabas_testudineus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.615 | ENSACLG00000014135 | - | 85 | 38.140 | Astatotilapia_calliptera |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 84 | 36.323 | ENSACLG00000013474 | - | 85 | 33.645 | Astatotilapia_calliptera |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 79.167 | ENSBTAG00000052883 | NANOS1 | 100 | 77.612 | Bos_taurus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 92 | 72.993 | ENSCJAG00000044351 | NANOS1 | 100 | 73.649 | Callithrix_jacchus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 74.403 | ENSCHIG00000004298 | NANOS1 | 100 | 74.744 | Capra_hircus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 65.052 | ENSCPOG00000038609 | NANOS1 | 100 | 64.360 | Cavia_porcellus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 65 | 87.719 | ENSCCAG00000009164 | NANOS1 | 100 | 76.897 | Cebus_capucinus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 75.517 | ENSCATG00000000994 | NANOS1 | 100 | 77.163 | Cercocebus_atys |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 93 | 78.776 | ENSCLAG00000005574 | NANOS1 | 100 | 78.367 | Chinchilla_lanigera |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 86.090 | ENSCGRG00001007664 | Nanos1 | 100 | 86.466 | Cricetulus_griseus_chok1gshd |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 91 | 36.842 | ENSCSEG00000004547 | - | 85 | 36.000 | Cynoglossus_semilaevis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.333 | ENSCSEG00000012772 | - | 85 | 36.036 | Cynoglossus_semilaevis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 85 | 36.564 | ENSCVAG00000013105 | - | 87 | 34.071 | Cyprinodon_variegatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 38.288 | ENSDARG00000109337 | nanos1 | 82 | 38.916 | Danio_rerio |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 99 | 70.213 | ENSDNOG00000048482 | NANOS1 | 99 | 70.819 | Dasypus_novemcinctus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 73 | 90.698 | ENSDORG00000029226 | Nanos1 | 100 | 90.698 | Dipodomys_ordii |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 81.061 | ENSEASG00005014466 | NANOS1 | 100 | 80.682 | Equus_asinus_asinus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 79.924 | ENSECAG00000003656 | NANOS1 | 100 | 80.682 | Equus_caballus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 37.327 | ENSELUG00000022032 | nanos1 | 88 | 37.500 | Esox_lucius |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 92 | 83.607 | ENSFCAG00000040429 | - | 88 | 82.716 | Felis_catus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 92 | 48.339 | ENSFALG00000002196 | NANOS1 | 91 | 52.434 | Ficedula_albicollis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 36.555 | ENSFHEG00000020713 | - | 89 | 33.891 | Fundulus_heteroclitus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 76 | 38.571 | ENSFHEG00000005548 | - | 82 | 37.383 | Fundulus_heteroclitus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 92 | 54.800 | ENSGALG00000027980 | NANOS1 | 93 | 55.823 | Gallus_gallus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 35.565 | ENSGAFG00000017699 | - | 84 | 35.648 | Gambusia_affinis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 36.239 | ENSHBUG00000019798 | - | 85 | 33.645 | Haplochromis_burtoni |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.615 | ENSHBUG00000010726 | - | 85 | 38.140 | Haplochromis_burtoni |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 78.967 | ENSHGLG00000010622 | NANOS1 | 100 | 78.229 | Heterocephalus_glaber_female |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 37.900 | ENSHCOG00000010326 | NANOS1 | 85 | 36.620 | Hippocampus_comes |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.900 | ENSIPUG00000020252 | nanos1 | 80 | 38.498 | Ictalurus_punctatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 87 | 36.087 | ENSKMAG00000008477 | - | 89 | 34.361 | Kryptolebias_marmoratus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 84 | 37.118 | ENSLBEG00000016559 | - | 87 | 33.929 | Labrus_bergylta |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 38.462 | ENSLACG00000005166 | nanos1 | 88 | 38.889 | Latimeria_chalumnae |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 90 | 43.388 | ENSLACG00000015195 | NANOS1 | 90 | 45.045 | Latimeria_chalumnae |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 39.070 | ENSLOCG00000018172 | nanos1 | 82 | 38.164 | Lepisosteus_oculatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 94 | 40.081 | ENSLOCG00000018243 | NANOS1 | 86 | 41.704 | Lepisosteus_oculatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 90 | 72.093 | ENSMMUG00000048654 | NANOS1 | 100 | 91.667 | Macaca_mulatta |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 75.172 | ENSMNEG00000022527 | NANOS1 | 100 | 77.163 | Macaca_nemestrina |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.500 | ENSMAMG00000000110 | - | 84 | 37.559 | Mastacembelus_armatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 37.561 | ENSMAMG00000015477 | - | 81 | 34.826 | Mastacembelus_armatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 36.239 | ENSMZEG00005002722 | - | 85 | 33.645 | Maylandia_zebra |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.615 | ENSMZEG00005014293 | - | 88 | 38.140 | Maylandia_zebra |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 87.970 | ENSMAUG00000021200 | Nanos1 | 100 | 89.098 | Mesocricetus_auratus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 88.973 | ENSMOCG00000007708 | Nanos1 | 100 | 88.973 | Microtus_ochrogaster |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 93 | 52.482 | ENSMODG00000009319 | NANOS1 | 96 | 49.310 | Monodelphis_domestica |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 87 | 36.797 | ENSMALG00000002316 | - | 89 | 36.842 | Monopterus_albus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 36.323 | ENSMALG00000015460 | - | 84 | 34.764 | Monopterus_albus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 94.796 | MGP_CAROLIEiJ_G0023120 | Nanos1 | 100 | 94.796 | Mus_caroli |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 95.131 | ENSMUSG00000072437 | Nanos1 | 100 | 95.131 | Mus_musculus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 96.241 | MGP_PahariEiJ_G0014608 | Nanos1 | 100 | 96.241 | Mus_pahari |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 93.704 | MGP_SPRETEiJ_G0024041 | Nanos1 | 100 | 93.333 | Mus_spretus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 61.977 | ENSNGAG00000023539 | Nanos1 | 83 | 86.154 | Nannospalax_galili |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 39.091 | ENSNBRG00000024149 | - | 85 | 37.963 | Neolamprologus_brichardi |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 36.697 | ENSNBRG00000014018 | - | 85 | 34.112 | Neolamprologus_brichardi |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 75.277 | ENSODEG00000017556 | NANOS1 | 100 | 75.277 | Octodon_degus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.615 | ENSONIG00000021034 | - | 88 | 38.140 | Oreochromis_niloticus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 36.889 | ENSONIG00000020951 | - | 88 | 34.956 | Oreochromis_niloticus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 85 | 37.229 | ENSORLG00020022492 | nanos1b | 88 | 36.866 | Oryzias_latipes_hni |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 87 | 36.864 | ENSORLG00015021513 | - | 90 | 36.486 | Oryzias_latipes_hsok |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 85 | 37.118 | ENSOMEG00000003107 | - | 85 | 37.037 | Oryzias_melastigma |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 37.915 | ENSOMEG00000008866 | NANOS1 | 84 | 37.255 | Oryzias_melastigma |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 74.576 | ENSOGAG00000033947 | NANOS1 | 100 | 74.915 | Otolemur_garnettii |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 92 | 75.926 | ENSPPRG00000021230 | NANOS1 | 100 | 76.370 | Panthera_pardus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 76.976 | ENSPTRG00000013314 | NANOS1 | 100 | 77.931 | Pan_troglodytes |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 75.517 | ENSPANG00000000318 | NANOS1 | 100 | 77.509 | Papio_anubis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 37.745 | ENSPKIG00000019945 | nanos1 | 79 | 37.811 | Paramormyrops_kingsleyae |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 35.294 | ENSPKIG00000000617 | nanos1 | 82 | 35.616 | Paramormyrops_kingsleyae |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 38.426 | ENSPMGG00000008267 | - | 82 | 36.620 | Periophthalmus_magnuspinnatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 89.354 | ENSPEMG00000019116 | Nanos1 | 100 | 89.354 | Peromyscus_maniculatus_bairdii |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 96 | 53.333 | ENSPCIG00000028425 | NANOS1 | 99 | 52.595 | Phascolarctos_cinereus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 40.094 | ENSPFOG00000020008 | - | 85 | 37.981 | Poecilia_formosa |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 40.094 | ENSPLAG00000022525 | - | 81 | 37.981 | Poecilia_latipinna |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 35.565 | ENSPLAG00000005060 | - | 84 | 34.361 | Poecilia_latipinna |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 76 | 40.865 | ENSPMEG00000015568 | - | 82 | 37.981 | Poecilia_mexicana |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 35.565 | ENSPMEG00000000521 | - | 84 | 34.361 | Poecilia_mexicana |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 89 | 35.565 | ENSPREG00000006901 | - | 84 | 34.361 | Poecilia_reticulata |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 76 | 40.865 | ENSPREG00000007213 | NANOS1 | 85 | 37.981 | Poecilia_reticulata |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 67 | 82.123 | ENSPCAG00000006942 | NANOS1 | 97 | 68.872 | Procavia_capensis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 76.712 | ENSPCOG00000009467 | NANOS1 | 100 | 76.712 | Propithecus_coquereli |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 73.379 | ENSPVAG00000003146 | NANOS1 | 100 | 73.038 | Pteropus_vampyrus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.615 | ENSPNYG00000018230 | - | 85 | 38.140 | Pundamilia_nyererei |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 36.239 | ENSPNYG00000001325 | - | 85 | 33.645 | Pundamilia_nyererei |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 36.408 | ENSSFOG00015009241 | - | 79 | 34.722 | Scleropages_formosus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 37.143 | ENSSDUG00000007879 | - | 82 | 34.826 | Seriola_dumerili |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 38.393 | ENSSDUG00000003196 | - | 88 | 37.900 | Seriola_dumerili |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 37.143 | ENSSLDG00000021260 | - | 83 | 34.826 | Seriola_lalandi_dorsalis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 37.946 | ENSSLDG00000009413 | - | 85 | 37.443 | Seriola_lalandi_dorsalis |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 86 | 52.632 | ENSSPUG00000002169 | NANOS1 | 80 | 52.632 | Sphenodon_punctatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 37.220 | ENSSPAG00000011053 | - | 84 | 35.526 | Stegastes_partitus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 82 | 39.732 | ENSSPAG00000014569 | NANOS1 | 88 | 39.269 | Stegastes_partitus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 100 | 71.918 | ENSSSCG00000040025 | NANOS1 | 100 | 73.288 | Sus_scrofa |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 76 | 38.647 | ENSTRUG00000019839 | - | 84 | 38.647 | Takifugu_rubripes |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 83 | 36.323 | ENSTRUG00000021804 | - | 85 | 34.978 | Takifugu_rubripes |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 87 | 35.470 | ENSXCOG00000015035 | - | 84 | 35.648 | Xiphophorus_couchianus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 87 | 35.470 | ENSXMAG00000024788 | - | 84 | 35.648 | Xiphophorus_maculatus |
ENSRNOG00000025060 | Nanos1 | 78 | 40.094 | ENSXMAG00000019985 | NANOS1 | 83 | 37.981 | Xiphophorus_maculatus |
Go ID | Go_term | PubmedID | Evidence | Category |
GO:0001558 | regulation of cell growth | - | IEA | Process |
GO:0001558 | regulation of cell growth | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0001894 | tissue homeostasis | - | IEA | Process |
GO:0001894 | tissue homeostasis | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0003723 | RNA binding | - | IEA | Function |
GO:0005737 | cytoplasm | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0008270 | zinc ion binding | - | IEA | Function |
GO:0010608 | posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0010631 | epithelial cell migration | - | IEA | Process |
GO:0010631 | epithelial cell migration | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0016477 | cell migration | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0017148 | negative regulation of translation | - | IEA | Process |
GO:0017148 | negative regulation of translation | - | ISO | Process |
GO:0048471 | perinuclear region of cytoplasm | - | IEA | Component |
GO:0048471 | perinuclear region of cytoplasm | - | ISO | Component |
GO:0098749 | cerebellar neuron development | - | IEA | Process |
GO:0098749 | cerebellar neuron development | - | ISO | Process |
GO:1900153 | positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay | - | IEA | Process |
GO:1900153 | positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay | - | ISO | Process |