Protein ID | Domain | Pfam ID | E-value | Domain number | Total number |
FBpp0078342 | GTP_EFTU | PF00009.27 | 6.7e-07 | 1 | 1 |
FBpp0078343 | GTP_EFTU | PF00009.27 | 6.7e-07 | 1 | 1 |
Transcript ID | Name | Length | RefSeq ID | Protein ID | Length | RefSeq ID | UniportKB ID |
FBtr0078693 | - | 1225 | - | FBpp0078342 | 182 (aa) | - | Q9VND8 |
FBtr0078694 | - | 1059 | - | FBpp0078343 | 182 (aa) | - | Q9VND8 |
Ensembl ID | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy | Paralog | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 93 | 35.260 | FBgn0014010 | Rab5 | 78 | 35.260 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 88 | 30.994 | FBgn0037364 | Rab23 | 66 | 30.939 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 91 | 31.737 | FBgn0039966 | Rab21 | 75 | 31.737 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 89 | 31.548 | FBgn0040370 | CG13375 | 61 | 31.548 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 84 | 36.943 | FBgn0031090 | Rab35 | 75 | 36.943 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 85 | 38.065 | FBgn0003205 | Ras85D | 88 | 37.500 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 82 | 31.126 | FBgn0014009 | Rab2 | 70 | 31.126 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 87 | 33.125 | FBgn0015790 | Rab11 | 74 | 33.125 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 82 | 31.126 | FBgn0015791 | Rab14 | 70 | 31.126 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 88 | 33.333 | FBgn0015797 | Rab6 | 77 | 33.333 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 90 | 36.585 | FBgn0015794 | Rab18 | 82 | 36.585 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 79 | 31.544 | FBgn0015795 | Rab7 | 71 | 31.544 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 84 | 32.484 | FBgn0029959 | Rab39 | 72 | 32.484 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 85 | 31.410 | FBgn0031882 | Rab30 | 69 | 31.410 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 87 | 33.129 | FBgn0035711 | CG8519 | 75 | 33.129 |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 93 | 32.558 | FBgn0285937 | Rab1 | 83 | 32.558 |
Ensembl ID | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy | Ortholog | Gene Symbol | Coverage | Identiy | Species |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 62.842 | ENSAPOG00000015316 | rhebl1 | 99 | 62.842 | Acanthochromis_polyacanthus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 62.842 | ENSAOCG00000007510 | rhebl1 | 99 | 62.842 | Amphiprion_ocellaris |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 62.295 | ENSAPEG00000016212 | rhebl1 | 99 | 62.295 | Amphiprion_percula |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 60.773 | ENSCING00000002194 | - | 99 | 60.773 | Ciona_intestinalis |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.587 | ENSCSEG00000003537 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.587 | Cynoglossus_semilaevis |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSCVAG00000001281 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Cyprinodon_variegatus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.388 | ENSEBUG00000003784 | rhebl1 | 98 | 66.038 | Eptatretus_burgeri |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSELUG00000016028 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Esox_lucius |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSFHEG00000008212 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Fundulus_heteroclitus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.388 | ENSGMOG00000007564 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.388 | Gadus_morhua |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSGAFG00000021738 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Gambusia_affinis |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 62.842 | ENSGACG00000000729 | rhebl1 | 99 | 62.842 | Gasterosteus_aculeatus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 98 | 64.088 | ENSHCOG00000003667 | rhebl1 | 98 | 64.088 | Hippocampus_comes |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSKMAG00000019397 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Kryptolebias_marmoratus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.388 | ENSLBEG00000019137 | rhebl1 | 94 | 63.388 | Labrus_bergylta |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.388 | ENSLOCG00000007682 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.388 | Lepisosteus_oculatus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.043 | ENSMAMG00000001748 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.043 | Mastacembelus_armatus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSMZEG00005008595 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Maylandia_zebra |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSMMOG00000021837 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Mola_mola |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.130 | ENSMALG00000014149 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.130 | Monopterus_albus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSNBRG00000016978 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Neolamprologus_brichardi |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSONIG00000019066 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Oreochromis_niloticus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSORLG00000001566 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Oryzias_latipes |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSORLG00020005150 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Oryzias_latipes_hni |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSORLG00015001298 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Oryzias_latipes_hsok |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSOMEG00000009463 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Oryzias_melastigma |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 63 | 56.140 | ENSPMAG00000009313 | rhebl1 | 79 | 56.140 | Petromyzon_marinus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSPFOG00000001515 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Poecilia_formosa |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSPLAG00000015650 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Poecilia_latipinna |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSPMEG00000020579 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Poecilia_mexicana |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSPREG00000012803 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Poecilia_reticulata |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 63.934 | ENSPNYG00000001744 | rhebl1 | 99 | 63.934 | Pundamilia_nyererei |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 92 | 41.899 | YCR027C | RHB1 | 86 | 41.899 | Saccharomyces_cerevisiae |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 61.749 | ENSSFOG00015014992 | rhebl1 | 99 | 61.749 | Scleropages_formosus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 95 | 65.318 | ENSSMAG00000001964 | rhebl1 | 94 | 65.318 | Scophthalmus_maximus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.130 | ENSSDUG00000007311 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.130 | Seriola_dumerili |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.130 | ENSSLDG00000025169 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.130 | Seriola_lalandi_dorsalis |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 62.842 | ENSSPAG00000012674 | rhebl1 | 99 | 62.842 | Stegastes_partitus |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSTRUG00000020012 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Takifugu_rubripes |
FBgn0041191 | Rheb | 99 | 64.481 | ENSXMAG00000002003 | rhebl1 | 99 | 64.481 | Xiphophorus_maculatus |
Go ID | Go_term | PubmedID | Evidence | Category |
GO:0000082 | G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle | 12893813. | IMP | Process |
GO:0003924 | GTPase activity | 12893813. | IDA | Function |
GO:0005525 | GTP binding | - | IEA | Function |
GO:0005975 | carbohydrate metabolic process | 21464442. | IMP | Process |
GO:0006629 | lipid metabolic process | 21464442. | IMP | Process |
GO:0007430 | terminal branching, open tracheal system | 25977367. | IMP | Process |
GO:0008286 | insulin receptor signaling pathway | 12766776.16627617. | IMP | Process |
GO:0010506 | regulation of autophagy | 22952930. | IMP | Process |
GO:0010507 | negative regulation of autophagy | 18474623.24265594. | IMP | Process |
GO:0010942 | positive regulation of cell death | 22493059. | IDA | Process |
GO:0016020 | membrane | - | IEA | Component |
GO:0030307 | positive regulation of cell growth | 12893813. | IMP | Process |
GO:0030307 | positive regulation of cell growth | 14607085. | TAS | Process |
GO:0035264 | multicellular organism growth | 21464442. | IMP | Process |
GO:0042594 | response to starvation | 12766776. | IEP | Process |
GO:0042632 | cholesterol homeostasis | 27326933. | IMP | Process |
GO:0045176 | apical protein localization | 25977367. | IMP | Process |
GO:0045727 | positive regulation of translation | 17371599. | IMP | Process |
GO:0045793 | positive regulation of cell size | 22493059. | IDA | Process |
GO:0045793 | positive regulation of cell size | 12766776.17371599.19216764.21951762. | IMP | Process |
GO:0045887 | positive regulation of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction | 22319582. | IMP | Process |
GO:0090070 | positive regulation of ribosome biogenesis | 17371599. | IMP | Process |
GO:1902669 | positive regulation of axon guidance | 22319582. | IMP | Process |
GO:1903940 | negative regulation of TORC2 signaling | 22493059. | IDA | Process |
GO:1903940 | negative regulation of TORC2 signaling | 16627617. | IMP | Process |
GO:1904263 | positive regulation of TORC1 signaling | 22493059. | IDA | Process |
GO:1904263 | positive regulation of TORC1 signaling | 16627617.21951762.22319582.28829944. | IMP | Process |
GO:1904503 | negative regulation of lipophagy | 29503179. | IMP | Process |
GO:2000377 | regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process | 20203043. | IMP | Process |