Oryzias_latipes_hsokFamily: APOBEC_N Number of Genes: 3
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



A mechanism of generating protein diversity is mRNA editing. Members of this family are C-to-U editing enzymes. The N-terminal domain of APOBEC-1 like proteins is the catalytic domain, while the C-terminal domain is a pseudocatalyitc domain. More specifically, the catalytic domain is a zinc dependent deaminases domain and is essential for cytidine deamination.APOBEC-3 like members contain two copies of this domain. RNA editing by APOBEC-1 requires homodimerisation and this complex interacts with RNA binding proteins to from the editosome [1] (and references therein). This family also includes the functionally homologous activation induced deaminase (AID), which is essential for the development of antibody diversity in B lymphocytes, and the sea lamprey PmCDA1 and PmCDA2, which are predicted to play an AID-like role in the adaptive immune response of jawless vertebrates [2]. Divergent members of this family are present in various eukaryotes such as Nematostella, C. elegans, Micromonas and Emiliania, and prokaryotes such as Wolbachia and Pseudomonas brassicacearum [3].


This domain is found at the N terminus of the Apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme. Apobec-1 catalyzes C to U editing of apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA in the mammalian intestine.


  1. Wedekind JE, Dance GS, Sowden MP, Smith HC; , Trends Genet 2003;19:207-216.: Messenger RNA editing in mammals: new members of the APOBEC family seeking roles in the family business. PUBMED:12683974 EPMC:12683974 .

  2. Rogozin IB, Iyer LM, Liang L, Glazko GV, Liston VG, Pavlov YI, Aravind L, Pancer Z;, Nat Immunol. 2007;8:647-656.: Evolution and diversification of lamprey antigen receptors: evidence for involvement of an AID-APOBEC family cytosine deaminase. PUBMED:17468760 EPMC:17468760 .

  3. Iyer LM, Zhang D, Rogozin IB, Aravind L;, Nucleic Acids Res. 2011; [Epub ahead of print]: Evolution of the deaminase fold and multiple origins of eukaryotic editing and mutagenic nucleic acid deaminases from bacterial toxin systems. PUBMED:21890906 EPMC:21890906.