Sus_scrofaFamily: B5 Number of Genes: 2
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



This domain is found in phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase beta subunits.


Domain B5 is found in phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase beta subunits. This domain has been shown to bind DNA through a winged helix-turn-helix motif [PUBMED:11152603]. Phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase may influence common cellular processes via DNA binding, in addition to its aminoacylation function.


  1. Wolf YI, Aravind L, Grishin NV, Koonin EV; , Genome Res 1999;9:689-710.: Evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases--analysis of unique domain architectures and phylogenetic trees reveals a complex history of horizontal gene transfer events. PUBMED:10447505 EPMC:10447505.