Ensembl ID | Symbol | Entrez ID | RBD | RBPome | PRI | Expresion | Pathway | Phenotype | Paralog | Ortholog | GO |
RecQ helicases unwind DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. Sgs1 has a HRDC (helicase and RNaseD C-terminal) domain which modulates the helicase function via auxiliary contacts to DNA [1].
This entry represents a domain found in the fungal Sgs1 protein.
Liu Z, Macias MJ, Bottomley MJ, Stier G, Linge JP, Nilges M, Bork P, Sattler M; , Structure. 1999;7:1557-1566.: The three-dimensional structure of the HRDC domain and implications for the Werner and Bloom syndrome proteins. PUBMED:10647186 EPMC:10647186.