Capra_hircusFamily: PWI Number of Genes: 6
Ensembl IDSymbolEntrez IDRBD RBPome PRIExpresion PathwayPhenotype ParalogOrthologGO



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The PWI domain, named after a highly conserved PWI tri-peptide located within its N-terminal region, is a ~80 amino acid module, which is found either at the N terminus or at the C terminus of eukaryotic proteins involved in pre-mRNA processing [PUBMED:10322432]. It is generally found in association with other domains such as RRM and RS. The PWI domain is a RNA/DNA-binding domain that has an equal preference for single- and double-stranded nucleic acids and is likely to have multiple important functions in pre-mRNA processing [PUBMED:12600940]. Proteins containing this domain include the SR-related nuclear matrix protein of 160kDa (SRm160) splicing and 3'-end cleavage-stimulatory factor, and the mammalian splicing factor PRP3.


  1. Blencowe BJ, Ouzounis CA; , Trends Biochem Sci 1999;24:179-180.: The PWI motif: a new protein domain in splicing factors. PUBMED:10322432 EPMC:10322432.